
Sometimes, gaining extra cash for your business (or saving interest on your loans) can be as simple as a restructure or refinancing of your existing loans.

Refinance - but why?

We often get asked the question, ‘If it isn’t broken, why fix it?’. While this might be true for your Grandma’s lasagne recipe the same can’t be said when considering your personal and business finances. There are many financial institutions available to assess all loan opportunities. The finance industry is competitive, regulated, and geared toward the brave and curious. Those among us that are not happy with the ‘status quo’ and wish to make sure all parts of our life are fulfilled, will look to refinance many times during our lifetime. This might sound a little corny but stay with me, we exchange our time for money each day working hard to ensure, in the first instance, that our basic human needs are met. While the most basic of these needs is survival and safety, having an appropriate finance structure can be considered to go hand in hand in helping attain this.

Your home purchase is one of the biggest investments you will make in your life. You only need to look at the average property values and how they have increased over the years. What about factoring in the cost of living? The dollar earned today doesn’t go anywhere near as far as it went in years gone by – this is just a fact we cannot change.

One of the major expenses in your monthly budget that you can take control over are your loan repayments. This is also applicable to business owners. The banks may change their view to financing particular industries over time. Your finance consultant is best placed to assist with navigating through the arduous process of comparing apples with apples.

Not to over simplify the process, or make it sound like ‘Mission Impossible’, we will ask some fact finding questions about your finance history. This helps us to establish your finance resumé, i.e. what have you done? (past and current loans) and, how have you performed? (repayments on time and up to date). We cannot make an appropriate assessment without all of the facts – be prepared to outline everything.
The banking and finance broking industries have gone through some major changes. We have a number of regulatory bodies in place protecting the rights of all consumers entering into credit contracts. Our team is well versed in the intricacies of the various legislative requirements, you can feel confident your consultant will guide you through the refinancing options, keeping you well informed along the way.

Call one of our consultants for an obligation free assessment of your overall financial
position including home, investment and business lending. We will discuss strategies to achieve your desired financial goals for the short, medium and long term so you can take control of your financial future.

To learn more about how we can help restructure or refinancing of your existing loans, contact us today.

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